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Red Bank Assault Lawyer

Red Bank Assault Lawyer

In the State of New Jersey, as in all states, it is against the law to assault another individual. A person is guilty of Simple Assault if he or she purposely, knowingly, recklessly or negligently causes bodily injury to another.

Under most circumstances, Simple Assault constitutes a disorderly persons’ offense. This is the lowest level of criminal charge in New Jersey. As a result, the typical range of punishment for conviction of a Simple Assault includes a fine up to $1,000, jail term up to six months, restitution to the victim and potential loss of driving privileges.

However, Simple Assault can become a more serious, indictable offense if the act is committed against a public servant, police officers, firefighters, school employees, judges and other government workers.  These charges can have much more serious consequences, including imposition of a lengthy term in state prison and probation.

Simple Assault charges are among the most common in New Jersey courts. Fights in school, altercations at the bar, and road rage are just some examples of situations when otherwise law-abiding citizens commit unlawful acts. Criminal consequences are presented when tempers flare. If you are charged with Assault, it is imperative that you have an experienced lawyer who will fight vigorously for your rights. Certain defenses, including self-defense, may exist.

We are experienced New Jersey Simple Assault attorneys. We have handled many Assault cases in municipal courts and Superior Courts throughout the state. We will defend your rights and vigorously pursue all available legal defenses.